Environmental photochemistry of histidine
Chiheng Chu has a new paper on the photooxidation of histidine and histamine in the presence of natural organic matter (Suwanee River NOM). His research confirms our previous work that singlet oxygen is the most important oxidant of histidine in such systems, but adds a new aspect to our understanding. When protonated (below pH 6), histidinium cation shows binding affinity toward the negatively charged NOM and experiences enhanced photosensitized degradation.
Enhanced Indirect Photochemical Transformation of Histidine and Histamine through Association with Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Chiheng Chu, Rachel A. Lundeen, Christina K. Remucal, Michael Sander*, and Kristopher McNeill*
Environ. Sci. Technol., 2015, 49, 5511–5519.